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Google Ads Write for Us

Google Ads Write for Us

The new brand for Google’s advertising services, Google Ads, is used on and other Google domains, partner websites, and apps. These services are designed to help companies and marketers reach billions of users who use Google Search to browse the web, view videos on YouTube, and find new places to visit on Google Maps and apps on Google Play.

How did Google Adwords become Google Ads?

Google Adwords introduced almost 18 years ago and the world has changed significantly. During their day, most people constantly and quickly switch between activities such as searching for products, watching videos, browsing, playing games, etc. Mobile devices have become an important part of everyday life, allowing users to connect to the Internet anytime and anywhere. Adopting these changes led to the launch of Google Ads, which replaced Google Adwords. Google Ads has evolved over the years, helping businesses connect with people on Google Search to help them connect with users at every stage of the customer journey through text, video, display, etc. Marketers and retailers now have more opportunities to reach consumers through different channels, screens and methods.

How to Submit Your Articles?

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Why Write for Computer World Blog – Google Ads Write for Us

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online advertising



Google Search




Relational database management system




AOL search


Search engine marketing

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